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FAQ Guidelines

Guidelines FAQ

Who is a Worker and who is an Employer?  What are Campaigns and what is a task?  How everything works?

Because we call jobs "micro jobs", Workers could also be called "Micro Jobs".
Plain Jobs are jobs that could be finished quick in most cases in couple of minutes.

Make sure to read  Frequently asked questions too




Employers are people who need help getting something done.
Employers start new campaigns and look for workers.


Guidelines for Employers

When starting a Campaign, employers should comply with our guidelines:

A Campaign must be well described, understandable and suitable for general audience.

Must not require any illegal activities and must not be harmful in any way.

Employers should understand that each Campaign is basically a job offered to a number of people.

When reviewing finished tasks submitted by Workers, Employers should use fair judgement; if submitted task is  finished as required, Employer must mark such task as "satisfied". If a task did not satisfy requirements, Employer must mark such task as "not satisfied".

Employers will only pay for tasks that satisfied requirements ("satisfied"). SmallJobs does not charge any money of fees for tasks that did not meet requirements set by Employers.


Campaigns guidelines

Campaigns could also be referred to as "jobs". Every Campaign consist of requirements, how many Workers needed (positions) and amount Workers will earn. When Workers accept a job they will have to submit a proof that they finished this job.

Every Campaign must meet conditions bescribed below.


It is OK to ask Wokers to

  - Write an Article

  - Discuss your product or service in a forum

  - Follow you on Twitter

  - Sell forum signatures to you

  - Blog about your product

  - Put your banner on their website

  - Upload videos to where you want

  - Digg your website

  - Join a Facebook group

  - Add someone to Facebook, Myspace, etc. friends list

  - Vote for you

  - Sign up with your referral link

  - Tell their opinion


We take spam & scam very seriously and we fight against it! In order to protect Employers we will not tolerate any action or any activity that could harm Employers' satisfaction.

The goal is to ask Workers to help you do something you cannot do yourself, use their knowledge or their popularity to help you achieve your goals.


It is not acceptable to ask Workers to

  - Provide bank account details

  - Use any form of payment

  - Exchange money between    payment systems

  - Disclose personal information

  - Sign-up for a free 14-day trial

  - Click a banner and complete a  form

  - You should not promote or ask for any illegal activities.



You can deposit money to SmallJobs using these methods:


Credit/debit Card (Visa/Mastercard)



Mobile Money

All Deposits are Non Refundable.

If you would like to deposit large amount of money,
please contact us






Workers are people who enjoy helping others
and earning a little extra cash.
Workers accept jobs and deliver results.
Workers get paid.



Guidelines for Workers

Workers must follow strict rules:

- Every worker should only create and use one account.

2 - A Worker is allowed to accept same job only once. Using more than one SmallJobs account and accepting same job more than once will result in account termination.

- Workers should only accept jobs they are capable of finish. If you think you cannot deliver results, don't accept that job! Accepting a job and submitting a false proof will raise a red flag. In most cases three (3) red flags lead to account termination

- We have also implemented automated success rate monitoring. If Workers must maintain certain level of success rate over all times. Too many Not-Satisfied tasks will affect success rate. If the rate goes below certain %, worker will not be able to submit tasks for certain period of time.

- If a job offered can be finished, Worker can accept that job.

- Once worker submits a proof, task will appear in the list "Tasks I finished". Tasks not yet rated by Campaign owners (Employers) have a gray icon. Tasks rated with "satisfied" appear    with green icon. Tasks rated with "not satisfied" will display a red icon.

- Workers will automatically get paid for tasks rated as "satisfied". Money will be deposited into worker's account as soon as Employer rates submitted task. If Employer forgets to rate tasks, they will be automatically closed by the system (in 4 days), rated "satisfied". No task will remain open for a long period of time.


WARNING for Workers - One account, termination

We take spam & scam very seriously and we fight against it! In order to protect Employers we will not tolerate any action or any activity that could harm Employers' satisfaction.

We at SmallJobs have implemented many controls that allow us to screen everything going on in the SmallJobs system. We will do our best to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Users whose accounts were terminated (for any reason) will not be able to participate in SmallJobs system anymore.


Payouts - Withdrawals

Payout limit is $3.00

Withdrawal method: Paypal, Skrill / NETELLER, Mobile Money and Amazon Gift Card.